August EERGC Meeting

August EERGC Meeting

Dear ,

The August meeting will be a special meeting to hold elections for two vacant positions on the Executive Committee. 

Nominations for vacant positions on the board are now being accepted, prior to holding the election in August.  The vacant positions are PRESIDENT and SECRETARY.
Currently, Dennis Boland is the interim president, following the resignation of Bob Fulgham in January.  The Secretary position vacant, following the resignation of Daniel Holstrom in March.
There are no nominations as yet for President.  Lyssa Gray has agreed to stand for election as Secretary.

The Bylaws require that  "All candidates for office must have been members of the club for at least one year at the time of their election and have attended at least four (4) regular club meetings in the calendar year. “  
Send your nominations for these offices to SUGGESTIONS@EERGUNCLUB.COM; they will be forwarded to the board, and presented to the membership at the August meeting.  

You must be present at the meeting in order to vote.

Dennis Boland
Interim President