July, 2022 Agenda & President's Letter

July, 2022 Agenda & President's Letter


Dear ,

 As usual during the summer, July was busy!  We’ve had few shut downs, and the weather has been cooperative.  But harvest around the range started on July 30th,  the weather is getting hotter and dryer, and we have maintenance as well.  So more range closures are likely.  Keep an eye on the web site and Facebook page, including the club calendar.


As always, the July meeting minutes are posted to the web site, and the August agenda is attached.  I encouraged you to attend meetings (the next one being Thursday, August 4th), or read the minutes if you can’t.  This is YOUR club, and YOUR participation goes a long way to sustain it, especially since we are nearly all volunteer.  If you want the range to be around for some time to come, look at your calendar to see what you can do.


I say “nearly” because we are in the process of bring on a Hired Treasurer, as per the By Laws.  Our current Treasurer, Stacy Alexander, has performed beyond all expectations, but it is a lot of work for a volunteer.  Plus she has reached the limit of two terms in office, so as per the By Laws, she can’t run again.  Stacy has earned a rest, although I hope she will stay active in others areas of the club.  We will still have an Elected Treasurer, with the duties of working with the Hired Treasurer on behalf of the board.  Details are in the agenda.


With elections are coming up for the Treasurer and Director positions #2/4/6, now is the time to look at running for office!  Nominations will be in December, and elections in January.


Speaking of which … … the club is in serious need of people to help with administration, events, and maintenance.    Administration in this case means processing membership applications or renewals, and helping to update the database which opens and closes the gate.  This takes work, which can be done from home over the INTERNET; moderate computer skills are required. 


Events generally need help to set up and run an event, such as running a timer for a 3 Gun shoot, or making sure visitors are signing a liability waiver.  You do not need to be a Range Safety Officer.  Maintenance includes, but is not limited to: weed whacking, mowing, watering trees, moving trash cans to and from the road, and fixing target backing.


Volunteer requests for events and maintenance generally go through the Volunteers forum at https://eergunclub.groups.io/g/Volunteers; click on the “Join This Group” button on the page.


If you are interested in volunteering on the administrative side, please contact me directly, president@eergunclub.com.  Those positions require a certain measure of trust and training, so we’ll need to discuss your skills, availability, and general background.


Stay cool in this hot weather, and have fun shooting!


Jeff Stidham, President

East End Rod & Gun Club