Current Status of Each Range. Subject to change w/o notice.OPEN or CLOSED
Updated on 17 October 2024.
Muzzle Loader:OPEN
Pistol Bays:OPEN
Rifle: OPEN
5 Stand:CLOSED

Club Information

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Club News

Participants of the August 31st 3-Gun orientation.  From the smiles, we think they enjoyed the day!


Photos from the fire on July 25th, 2024



Due to the dangers of lead exposure, no person is allowed to pick up used lead from the range without the knowledge of and permission from the Board.

We would like to remind everyone to please clean up after yourselves when using the range. There have been reports that someone has been shooting glass bottles. That is not something we want to see. It creates a huge mess and a hazard for other people using the range.

Use the existing target stands to affix your targets. If you bring plastic bottles or something like that, please clean up the mess and take it home with you. We appreciate you packing it out if you pack it in.

The range rules are written to provide for a safe shooting environment with minimum limits or constraints. Shooters are expected to follow them at all times. YOU are the range officer on the firing line, and YOU are responsible for the safety of yourself and your neighbors.

Due to the dangers of lead exposure, no one is allowed to pick up used lead from the range without the knowledge of and permission from the Board.


Use only industry standard targets, such as “shoot & see,” steel plates, and “self-healing” targets. Paper targets, such as those printed from online files, are also acceptable. Mount the targets using staples or tape; do not use thumbtacks or screws, as those will fall off and create a hazard when the grass is mowed.

The spindles are kept on the range as tables, NOT as targets or target supports. Do NOT shoot them.

You can use clay pigeons and bowling PINS as targets. Other acceptable alternatives are melons (throw the rinds off to one side or behind the berms for the wildlife to eat) and plastic jugs filled with colored water (clean up the plastic jugs afterward).

Exploding targets of any sort (including Tannerite) are not allowed.

Do NOT shoot bowling balls, concrete blocks of any sort, hub caps, glass bottles, cans, and other garbage. These will create debris that could injure people.

Targets MUST be placed so that the bullet impacts a back berm.  Do not shoot into side berms.

Remove all your targets when you are finished shooting. If you have questions, contact the club.

Emergency Procedures

In all cases, take immediate action FIRST, and then report the situation to the Club.   If you have contacted emergency services, while the gate is equipped to open at the sound of a siren, you should have someone there to meet the first responder, and direct them to the problem location.

Injuries.  Shooters are encouraged to keep a first aid kit, suitable to handle major wounds (as well as minor injuries), in their range bag or vehicle.  Trauma kits are maintained on the rifle range and in the Blacksmith Building, but are are only used to treat significant trauma/bleeding.

Unruly persons.  Members, range users, and guests are expected to cooperate with each other, using the range rules as the standard.  Individuals who are behaving in an unsafe manner should be mentored as to the proper techniques.  If they refuse to cooperate, do not attempt to act as “range police”; simply advise the person that they are being unsafe, withdraw from the location, and document the situation.  Immediately report those details to the club.  Witness statements are kept in the hold harmless agreement boxes, and may be placed in the drop boxes.  In extreme cases, call 911 and request law enforcement.

Firearm stoppages and malfunctions.  Handle as necessary.  Safety areas are available for difficult jams.

Fire.  Minor fires (such as those from muzzle flashes, cigarettes, etc), members should respond immediately.   Fire extinguishers are kept on the rifle range, cook shack, and Blacksmith Building when temperatures are above freezing; remember to remove the blue tape on the hose.  For all other fires (especially wildfires), call 911 for emergency services, hoist the black flag, shut down the range, and report to the club.

Detailed emergency procedures are listed in the current SOP.

Current Issues

As of July 25th: 

The range is closed due to fires.  Photos are posted under “Club News”, at the top of this page.


Any club member or range user using our facility must have attended range orientation as per the current policy (see Appendix B of the SOP).

In summary, the policy is that members who have attended more than three consecutive orientations do not need to attend in-person orientations annually, but are encouraged to do so. They still must pay dues and sign the liability waiver every year. They are encouraged to review the current annual range update.

Current members who have attended less than three consecutive orientations must continue to attend in-person orientations until they finish the three. All new members will attend three consecutive orientations. After those three sessions, they only need to pay dues and sign the liability waiver.

Orientation sessions are scheduled to 3 times a month but may be canceled for any reason. See the club calendar for the next session.

Scheduled Events

The calendar of scheduled events is linked here. Please refer to that before you go to the range. If you are at the range when one of these events is taking place, contact the person in charge to see if arrangements can be made for your shooting. Those events take precedence, but most of the time, something can be arranged so you can utilize the range.

The Club encourages shooting sports by sponsoring multiple events throughout the year. The events are for popular competitions, new shooters, and other reasons. When held, parts of the range will be set aside and generally not available to the membership. While that is inconvenient at times, it is for safety reasons.

Members are encouraged to check the calendar before leaving for the range. The calendar of scheduled events is linked here.

The events typically held are:

  • Cowboy Action (Blacksmith Building. 1st Saturday of the month, in the morning)
  • 5 Stand (5 Stand range, 3rd Saturday morning all year, 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings in the summer)
  • 3 Gun (Action Range, 4th Saturday, March through October)
  • Black Hammer .22LR Precision Shoot (Rifle Range, 2nd Saturday all year)
  • Muzzle Loaders (Muzzle Loader Building, 2nd Sunday all year)
  • Women On Target (Mother’s Day weekend)
  • Family Range Day (Father’s Day weekend)
  • First Shots Clinic (March or April)
  • First Shots for Pistols (as needed)


Overall range availability is at the discretion of the Board. Live-fire recreational shooting for all members and their guests takes place daily. Our shooting range in Milton-Freewater, OR, is open from 8 a.m. to ½ hour before sunset Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to ½ hour before sunset on Saturday and Sunday. The end shooting time for each day is posted at the entry gate.

The Board of the East End Rod & Gun Club controls the range. All decisions regarding the range operation and safety are at the Board’s discretion but must follow the standard operating procedures (SOP) guidelines. The Board or the club president has the authority to shut down the range if deemed necessary.

This is a private gun club in Milton-Freewater, OR, where:

  • Annual membership is required to shoot there.

  • Members and range users may bring guests.

  • We do not offer day passes.

  • The club does not rent firearms or sell ammunition.

  • The residence near the gate is private and not associated with the club.

  • If you are not a member and wish to use the range, membership information is here.

  • If you need directions to the range, click here, and scroll down to the map

The Board of the East End Rod & Gun Club controls the range. All decisions regarding the range operation and safety are at the Board’s discretion but must follow the standard operating procedures (SOP) guidelines (posted below) and are consistent with our Conditional Use permit. The Board or the club president has the authority to shut down part or all of the range as deemed necessary.

The latest range status is posted on the home page and our Facebook page. However, range closures can happen on short notice, especially while farming is in progress, and the posted status may not match what’s happening on the range. Members have been known to see that the range is open online but arrive to discover it’s closed. This is regrettable but unavoidable under our Conditional Use Permit from Umatilla County.

When open, live-fire recreational shooting for all members and their guests can take place daily. Our shooting range is open from 8 a.m. to ½ hour before sunset Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to ½ hour before sunset on Saturday and Sunday. The end shooting time for each day is posted at the entry gate.

When you are on the range, respect the other shooters who are out there with you. Keep the range clean, and follow the range rules (posted below). The Board encourages you to print a copy for your range bag or to store it on your telephone. Copies of the rules are kept on each part of the range as well.

Guests must complete and sign a Hold Harmless Agreement (posted below) annually. Printed copies are also available in the target shed next to the Blacksmith Building and on the Rifle Range. Place completed agreements in the drop boxes next to the information boxes.

If you have suggestions or perhaps a general question, please contact us.

Courtesy at the Range

When you are at the range, respect the other shooters who may be out there at the same time. The tenant at the house is a club member looking out for our interests. Remember this if they should come out and ask you about being out there. If you get the opportunity, thank them for watching out for things.

Club History

The East End Rod & Gun Club (EERGC) was incorporated on July 16, 1947.  It was started by Harold Otto (President), Geo Heller (Vice President), and Vic Nyrgren (Secretary/Treasurer). The objective was the promotion of the conservation of our natural resources, hunter safety education, the relations between sportspeople and landowners, and shooting sports among the citizens of our community.

The Club (EERGC) has since seen its purpose move to provide a safe facility for the pursuit of a number of sports and self-defense shooting disciplines, but most importantly, to provide education in firearms safety and ethics to new shooters.  An invaluable component of this mission is the exposure of new shooters to positive role models in organized competitive shooting events open to the public, which provide a better knowledge of safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship.  We are also proud to provide a safe facility for general firearms practice by our members, their guests, and local law enforcement personnel.   The current range location was established by verbal agreement in 1994, and a formal lease agreement was signed in 2003.  The lease is effective until 2043.

We are constantly working to develop a plan for using the property and goals for what we want to accomplish in the next several years. We encourage everyone to attend the meetings and actively participate in this decision-making process.

In 2005, we graveled the road and a firing line. In 2006, we installed concrete shooting benches along the firing line. We also began Cowboy Town. In 2007, we obtained an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) grant for a 400-yard berm and a permanent, handicapped bathroom. Our 2010 ODFW grant funds helped us get an automatic gate system. In 2023, we rebuilt the pistol bay walls, replacing deteriorating hay bales with concrete blocks, as well as improving the drainage.  We also installed the range office for use during events and to store supplies.

Elected PositionCurrentTerm
PresidentDan Norton2024
Vice PresidentGentry Thorpe2024-2025
TreasurerLarry Zalaznik2023–2024
SecretaryBill DeWeber2024-2025
Director, Position 1Buddy Birdwell2023-2024
Director, Position 2Dan Carney2023-2024
Director, Position 3Jerrod Propeck2023–2024
Director, Position 4Gina DeWeber2024
Director, Position 5Diane Sisler2024-2025
Director, Position 6James Ziska2024-2025
Appointed PositionName
Range MarshalJerrod Propeck
Event CoordinatorVACANT
Maintenance ManagerDan Carney
Media & Public RelationsMarc Carney
ArmorerMarc Carney

For past years’ officers, click here.
