Current Status of Each Range. Subject to change w/o notice.OPEN or CLOSED
Updated on 26 October 2024.
Muzzle Loader:OPEN
Pistol Bays:OPEN
Rifle: OPEN
5 Stand:OPEN

Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Individual Plan membership level.

This plan permits one person to access the range; you can't share your membership with others (as in the family plan), but you are allowed two guests per visit. You must be legally capable of transporting firearms in Washington or Oregon.

NRA membership is required by the club; you can either pay your dues directly to the NRA, or through the club. This option means that you are already paying your dues directly to the NRA (including a lifetime membership in the NRA). If you are not already an NRA member, click on “change” above and select one of the individual plans which includes NRA membership.

You will have voting privileges in the club. You must attend an orientation session annually for the first 3 years, after which you are exempt from them, unless you have a break in membership of one year or more.

NOTE: You may be excepted from joining the NRA if your employer prohibits membership. If so, contact a Board officer for the exception; we will refund your dues. But the club must verify the exception.

Price schedule:

  • Annual Dues: $80. Fees and any donations are added to this for the final bill.
  • NRA membership: You are certifying that you are already an NRA member, either paying dues annually, or a lifetime member, so this is not on your bill. Please enter your NRA membership number below.
    • If you don't have a gate card, check “Card Fee” below. This will add $20 to your bill.
    • New members must buy a gate card for $20 (this is a one time purchase). Cards are issued only at orientation sessions.
  • Lost or stolen cards are $20, defective cards are replaced free at orientation.
  • If you don’t want to receive emails from the club, check “Mailing” below. $10 will be added to your bill for postage and handling.

Donations are always appreciated! This will be added to your bill at check out as well.

The price for membership is $80.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).

Already have an account? Log in here

Make a Gift


Donations go into the general fund.  If you want to donate a larger amount, or for a specific purpose, please contact the Board.

Club Information

This is information needed by the club for membership management. LIFETIME MEMBERS, VENDORS, and FARMERS must be entered manually by administrators.

Enter your mobile phone number

Enter your birth date. This is to validate that you can legally transport firearms.

This is the number printed on the gate card you are issued at orientation. If you don't have one, leave it blank. DO NOT ENTER ANY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD NUMBERS.

Enter ONLY IF you are a range user. Enter the gate card number of the PRIMARY member in your family plan

Confirm that TODAY is your purchase date

Enter your current MAIL address -- REQUIRED.

This is optional, if you need a second line




Check if you need gate access card. This is for NEW MEMBERS,RANGE USERS and LOST/STOLEN CARDS. You will be charged an extra of $20. Defective cards are replaced at no charge

Check if you want your mailing correspondenc emailed to you. $10 will be added to your bill

NRA membership information

Club rules require one NRA member per plan. If you are already a member, you do not need to pay again, but please enter your NRA membership number below. The primary member of a family plan must be an NRA member. Range users are not required to join the NRA. If your employer forbids NRA membership, you may request an exemption by contacting the Board. If you choose the REGULAR membership, you may select ONE magazine below. Associate members do NOT get a magazine.

Select one or more as needed. Add others or elaborate in the above COMMENTS as needed

Regular NRA membership magazine selection

If you chose "Regular NRA Membership", please select one magazine below. Associate Members do not get a magazine.

Choose ONE magazine IF you are a REGULAR member.

Opt-In Mailing List

Join our mailing list.

Billing Address

Payment Information
